
In Hollowpipe, you are a plumber who's not very good at his job, so he keeps breaking the pipes! However, they're pretty handy for getting around! Utilize your terrible plumbing skills to navigate around the inside of the walls of this expansive mansion, with many different rooms (levels) to get through! Hopefully, you can find that bathroom and actually do your job...




Jeremy Barruso: Game Developer/Coder

Matthew Basso: Artist

Andrew Hurn: Composer



The map tilesets, plumber character, and all animations were made by our artist, Matthew. He does not have an Itch page, but if needed, I can provide his email, discord, etc.

The one asset we got from Itch for free was the following:

These assets were used for the tutorial sections at the beginning with the animated button inputs.  Please check out his assets, they're great!

The music is also made by our composer, Andrew. Again, he does not have an Itch page, but I can provide whatever is needed.



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Wow, this game is hard, and really cool! well done

How to get past the s+l part of the tutorial? lol

when falling down towards the pipes, you have press S and L at the same time hit the pipe. The hollow pipe will bounce you into the air. It's very similar to the pogo jumping from hollowknight!

Right, I thought there'd be a fountain after that but the dude just bounced off. All good, beating the game now :)

Great, glad it worked out! Let me know what you think at the end!